| WE WILL NEVER STAND DOWN ON BENGHAZI, EVER. Our brother's blood was shed in Benghazi. Let me be VERY CLEAR to the Obama Administration and the Establishment in the House and Senate: No distraction, No amount of time, No political maneuvers will keep Special Operations Speaks from getting to the truth for Benghazi. Since the day we learned of the horrific murder of our Special Operations brothers-in-arms and ambassador Stevens, we have not ceased demanding that the Obama administration and all responsible come clean about what happened. We refuse to rest until those accountable are brought to justice. Do we have your continued support to seek the truth behind the Benghazi cover-up? We are asking today for an urgent CONTRIBUTION. Our relentless pursuit of Obama and those guilty inside his administration is shaking the very foundation of the D.C. Establishment, and they're starting to get desperate. They are trying to use whatever means necessary to shut us down and silence our voices, but with your help and generous donation, we will hold the line. We have made so much progress and it's all because of patriots like you! But there is still SO MUCH more to be done be done. | | Demand Justice for Benghazi |  | | | We were not fooled by the lies, the double-talk, and the massive cover-up effort put forth by Obama and his administrative croneys. From day one SOS has been relentless in our pursuit of the truth: - On November 15, 2012, we held a press conference to demand a Select Committee or a Special Prosecutor to investigate Benghazi.
- We delivered 100,000 petition signers to Rep. Louie Gohmert on that day -- and Rep. Wolf introduced H. R. 36., which called "for the establishment of a special Congressional committee to investigate the Benghazi attack and the Obama administration's handling of it in the weeks that followed."
- April of 2013, more than 700 Special Operations Veterans signed the SOS open letter demanding a thorough Congressional investigation.
The weight of those 700 signatures led to more than 160 co-sponsors to HR 36 and prolonged valuable media attention. The SOS open letter also prompted the very first whistleblower to come forward. And as a result we learned that the White House and Speaker Boehner's interim report, just didn't tell the full or true story about what happen. Soon, three more witnesses surfaced -- they were then interviewed under oath by Rep. Daryl Issa's Oversight Committee. Despite all this, Speaker Boehner CONTINUED to refused to bring Rep. Frank Wolf's bill to a vote. So, SOS then issued an open letter to Speaker Boehner asking one last time for his cooperation in seeking the truth about Benghazi and the White House's breakdown of command. We asked the Speaker to, with a swipe of his pen, either form a select investigative committee or to resign. The speaker failed to respond. But we here at SOS were not detered. We pressed on... When Rep. Steve Stockman introduced his Discharge Petition to force a floor vote on H.Res. 36, Special Operations Speaks, In front of national media and with congressional leaders on hand to witness it, presented on the Capital steps a massive scroll with the names of over 700 Special Operations veterans who signed the petition demanding a select investigative committee be formed. With a great turn out to wittness the largest petition ever presented to congress( A 60-foot long scroll!), the event was a smashing sucess. This was totally unprecedented. Never before had a petition been delivered so dramatically. Our voices were heard loud and clear by congress, the Administration, the media and the public, how passionately we patriotic veterans feel about being lied to, let down, and sold out. Boehner's refusal to do his duty and demand answers from the President and his administration was a hurdle. BUT, through the fearless actions of a handful of patriotic congressmen a way was found to go over Boehner's head. Since the Revolution, America's brave protectors of freedom on the front lines have known: They will not be left behind. That American tradition DIED IN BENGHAZI, on September 11, 2012. Following the Scroll Out Event, your support enabled us to continue and step up our outreach efforts. Next, Special Operations Speaks followed Speaker Boehner right into his own backyard. Throughout his entire district in Ohio we ran billboards to keep Benghazi fresh on his mind during August recess. And then, to really keep the pressure on, not only Boehner, but ALL of the representatives who aren't vocally demanding the formation of a Select Investigative Committee, we reached out and ask YOU to Paparazzi Congress! When we told you just 218 representatives needed to join Rep. Stockman in signing the Discharge Petition, you made sure those who hadn't had a very Benghazi-themed recess. With that, you turned up at Townhalls, deluged local offices, went everywhere members of Congress go on their month "off" and you made sure they knew we want answers on Benghazi. And your response to our call to action was outstanding! But we need your continued support to expand our outreach... Every person in this great nation must know about the failure of the President to protect the men in Benghazi that fateful night, the complacency of Speaker Boehner in covering up the resulting scandal and how deeply the guilt is rooted inside this administration for the deaths of our three special operations brothers-in-arms and ambassador Stevens. SOS has a plan: -A bus tour to keep the pressure on key members of Congress right in their home districts. -Grassroots activities sure to generate a public ground-swell for the discharge committee and Select Committee. -An aggressive PR campaign to force Obama's accomplices in the mainstream media to tell the truth about what really happened. -TV, online, and print advertising nationwide. -Direct mail and email alerts to patriotic Americans nationwide. So, we are asking today for your support of Special Operation Speak's through an URGENT CONTRIBUTION. We are defying Obama by relentlessly hounding those inside his administration with the Benghazi Four's blood on their hands. We are shaking the very foundation of the D.C. Establishment, and you can be sure they are not happy! They will use whatever means necessary to shut us down and silence our voices. But with your help and generous donation, we will hold the line. So please, Help demand justice for these brave Americans who were ignored by the president. Sign our petition and then consider a donation to help us keep the pressure on... With your help and your finacial backing, that Watergate-style Select Committee will finally get to who is responsible for the deaths of our soldiers in Benghazi, Libya. Sincerely, Dick Brauer, Colonel, USAF (Ret.) Co-Founder of Special Operation Speaks | | | | |
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