Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Security experts question if Google's Chrome Apps is worth the risk

Service lets companies manage Amazon Web Services encryption keys | Windows 8 Update: Picture passwords not so terribly insecure, researcher says

Network World Security

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Security experts question if Google's Chrome Apps is worth the risk
Worry based on security issues with cross-platform tech such as Flash and Java, which 'pioneered the write once, infect everywhere model' Read More


Unified Mobile Document Management Solutions from Canon
Mobile printing solutions with the Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Series and smart uniFLOW software can create huge cost efficiencies across organizations. It's a scalable and simple system that supports secure mobile printing, print from anywhere capabilities, flexible authentication and integrated tracking and reporting. Experience SIMPLY ADVANCED.


Fighting Fraud Videos: IBM Intelligent Investigation Manager
Short videos about IBM Intelligent Investigation Manager (IIM) for Fraud. IIM optimizes the investigation of fraud for customers across many industries in both the commercial and public sector space. Learn More.

Service lets companies manage Amazon Web Services encryption keys
KeyNexus, a division of Dark Matter Labs, today announced a secure encryption key-management service that lets organizations store, manage and audit the encryption keys they use in the cloud. Read More

Windows 8 Update: Picture passwords not so terribly insecure, researcher says
The security of Windows 8 picture passwords might not be as weak as some recent headlines indicate, and there are ways to maximize how hard they are to crack, researchers say. Read More

WHITE PAPER: F5 Networks

5 Ways to Improve XenApp 6.5
If you are planning to migrate to XenApp 6.5 or improve upon XenDesktop then performance, security, and reliability are concerns for success. Citrix recommends that you use an ADC to address these concerns. Learn More

Mockumentary skewers ISPs as Verizon-FCC net neutrality case goes to court
A new mockumentary posted on YouTube and backed by a group of net neutrality advocates makes the case that the FCC is right and Verizon is wrong in a fight that today goes to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Read More

Report: UK and US spies have cracked BlackBerry's BES encryption
The U.S. National Security Agency is able to read messages sent via a corporate BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), according to a report by German news magazine Der Spiegel. The purpose of this spying is economic or political, and not to counter terrorism, the magazine hints. Read More


Webinar: IBM IIM for Fraud, Abuse and Waste in Government
View this IBM webinar to learn about the challenges and opportunities in fraud reduction, waste, and abuse in government programs and agencies. You will learn how IBM Intelligent Investigation Manager (IIM) can help your organization. Learn More.

Tech's cash kings are sitting on billions
Tech companies are hanging on to record amounts of cash when they could be using it to do more acquisitions, repurchase stock, pay down debt, and pay out dividends. Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Apple and Oracle are among the biggest hoarders. Combined, these five tech companies held $245 billion in cash at the end of March. Read More

When tech empires fall: 10 companies and products that dominated... and then didn't
These tech giants had a valuable market locked down. Then they screwed up. Read More

13 great Windows Phone apps for IT pros
A baker's dozen of mostly free apps for server monitoring, remote access, network troubleshooting, password management, even scripting -- right from your Windows Phone Read More


10 Sorriest Technology Companies of 2013

Microsoft, Apple and Samsung among those issuing mea culpas.


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1. 15 geeky places to visit before you die

2. Report: NSA defeats many encryption efforts

3. The final iPhone 6 rumor rollup: what is Apple likely to do?

4. Cisco catching a falling Big Switch?

5. How to secure your data now that the NSA can crack almost any encryption

6. Ubuntu impresses Linux enterprise server test

7. Google celebrates Chrome's 5th birthday with desktop/mobile Chrome Apps

8. Schneier on NSA's encryption defeating efforts: Trust no one

9. 10 hard-earned lessons of a lifetime in IT

10. Cisco users on Notice

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