Friday, 27 September 2013

Reuters Oddly Enough Report

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Reuters Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the politics in between
China puffer fish tower prompts a huff about state spending
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese viewing tower in the shape of a giant, copper puffer fish has raised an online huff about the latest in a series of bizarre and extravagant targets of state investment.
Pilots fall asleep on long-haul flight to UK: paper
LONDON (Reuters) - Two pilots on a British airliner on a long haul flight fell asleep in the cockpit, leaving the packed jet travelling unsupervised on autopilot, Britain's Sun newspaper reported on Thursday.
Termites' powerful weapon against extermination? Their own poop
ORLANDO (Reuters) - Scientists trying to understand why destructive wood-eating termites are so resistant to efforts to exterminate them have come up with an unusually repugnant explanation.
Half of British pilots admit to falling asleep in cockpit - survey
LONDON (Reuters) - More than half of British airline pilots say they have fallen asleep in the cockpit, a survey said, ahead of an EU vote on flying hours which a pilots' association said could compromise flight safety.
Diageo's 'Arthur's Day' faces backlash in home of Guinness
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The Irish are famous around the world for their convivial drinking culture and the cosy pubs that have been copied around the world - but it seems they do not want to be cajoled into an annual celebration of their best-known beer.
IRS rides 1884 'dead horse' law to defense of tax preparer rules
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Tuesday defended its effort to regulate the tax return preparation business for the first time in U.S. history, basing its case largely on a 19th century law dealing with horses lost or killed in the Civil War.
Wild pigs menace suburban Atlanta
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Wild pigs have descended on a suburban Atlanta neighborhood where they are scaring children, making a general nuisance of themselves, and acting as they if they own the place.
Male Dallas Zoo gorilla to get therapy for sexist attitude
DALLAS (Reuters) - A gregarious male gorilla at the Dallas Zoo will be sent to South Carolina for therapy after he bit one female gorilla and sneered at others, zoo officials said on Monday.
"I'm not Tarzan," Pope Francis tells young crowd
CAGLIARI, Sardinia (Reuters) - Pope Francis brought laughter to a crowd of young people on Sunday when he told them he was not "Tarzan" but gets his staying power during times of difficulty from his faith.
South Carolina man who won nearly $400 million jackpot withholds name
CHARLESTON, South Carolina (Reuters) - The winner of a nearly $400 million Powerball jackpot has declined to be named, lottery officials said on Monday, but they said the winner who lives near Columbia, South Carolina, told them he bought the ticket while on a mission to buy hot dog buns.
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