Saturday, 7 September 2013

Bible studies like you've never seen before

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Bible studies like you've never heard before
Keen, Holy Spirit-guided insight in Chuck Missler's videos, books

No one provides Bible study insight like Chuck Missler, founder of Koinonia Institute, author, expositor and former Calvary Chapel teacher.

His latest DVD teaching is outstanding:


We consider some of the most life-changing principles we have encountered since our new birth as Christians. Scripture tells us that we are to "prepare ourselves" for Christ's soon return.

    •  What exactly does this mean?

    •  What if we aren't prepared?

    •  What are Justification, Sanctification and Glorification?

Being ready, fit and prepared will dramatically affect our role, our position and our place of responsibility in the future Millennial Kingdom. The Misslers share not only the scriptural importance of why we need to be "prepared," but also what we need to do to be prepared.

View all 40 of Chuck Missler's teachings here.

Another one of Missler's new teachings explorers astronomy and science:


How can a star, distant from us, gravitationally affect our sun?

Where is the missing 95 percent of matter in the universe?

Do dark matter and even black holes really exist?

Astronomers explain their views relying on the 17th- and 18th-century tools of their forefathers, Kepler and Newton: gravity, fluid mechanics and the magnetism of loadstone, rather than those of the 19th century: James Clerk Maxwell and electromagnetic field theory. "Beyond Newton" explores the challenges to current astronomy by scientists who have discovered that the entire volume of our galaxy is filled with diffuse clouds of magnetized plasma – electrically charged ionized particles.

Watch a little from this new DVD below:


What are Christians called to do during these turbulent times? How can you make a difference in your family, among your friends and within your community?

This follows the wonderful success of the "Weathering the Coming Storm" series where Dr. Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen dealt with global, national and personal issues impacting all of our lives today. "Church in the End Times" serves as the NEXT STEP in equipping ourselves with the tools and insights we need to be a guiding light to a world coping in the Last Days darkness of chaos and deceit.

Join Dr. Chuck Missler as he explores this timely topic.


For thousands of years most of us have either had or still hold to misconceptions, myths, legends, or traditions about angels and our own reality. In this study we will deal with these fascinating entities.

And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

2 Kings 6:15-17

A hidden army of protection: A reality that is normally hidden from our view. But are they real? What are the discoveries on the advance of science that may shed light on our understanding of them?

Click here to learn more.

"Footprints of the Messiah."

Here are some of the provocative questions answered in this study:

What Old Testament Bible Study is mentioned 12 times in one book of the Bible, is given by seven different people and is almost never given today?

How certain can we be that Jesus is the Messiah?

Review some of the major passages in the Tanakh (the Old Testament), which predict and describe the Scriptural expectations to be fulfilled by the Messiah of Israel.

This study will also take a mathematical analysis of a small sampling from the more than 300 predictions concerning the Jewish Messiah.

This briefing pack contains two hours of teachings on one disk and two M4A files with full-screen, color and Dolby digital 2.0 stereo sound.

But that's just the newest from Missler. Check out the rest in the Chuck Missler author section of the WND Superstore:

"The Kingdom, Power and Glory: The Overcomer's Handbook" is his latest book – and possibly his most controversial. Here's what he and his wife and co-author, Nancy Missler, have to say about it: "After being Christians for over 50 years, we consider the truths in this book to be some of the most life-changing principles we have encountered since our new birth." Will eternity be the same for believers who follow Christ faithfully and those who live a carnal lifestyle? Does our behavior as Christians matter once we are assured of our salvation? As believers, how do we overcome the world, the flesh and the devil? Scripture says we are to "prepare ourselves" for Christ's soon return. What does this mean for each of us personally? What's at stake? This book gives the practical and biblical answers to the above questions.

Do you prefer to watch the teachings on DVDs? You have that choice with "The Kingdom, Power and Glory DVD Series."

In "The Origin of Evil" DVD teaching you will find the answers to some of the most troubling Bible questions. For instance, we know that the angels were created prior to the Earth. We find Satan had already fallen in Genesis 3. But when did he fall? It appears that there are substantial Scriptural references to his rebellion, his agenda and the subsequent catastrophic judgment that ensued. This raises the whole issue of the origin of evil. And why hasn't God simply wiped him – and sin – out completely? It is also disturbing to recognize that Satan tempted Jesus by offering him the "kingdom, power and the glory" in the temptations recorded in Luke 5. How could Satan lay a legitimate claim to these things?

In "Twilight's Last Gleaming" (DVD), Missler answers the troubling question of where America is headed. Can we do anything to halt the downward spiral of our once great nation? This is his "state of the union" message. He concludes: It's time to get serious! Only a miracle can save America, but fortunately God is in the miracle business!

Giants? Were there really giants on the earth at some point in history? Missler answers the question biblically in "Return of the Nephilim" (DVD). What's behind those UFOs? Are they real? Are they the Nephilim of ages past? What does the Bible say about them? What's their agenda for Planet Earth? Much new evidence has surfaced with global implications. Missler explores the Biblical relevance and disturbing agenda of the apparent extraterrestrial life forms that have been forcing themselves into our global consciousness and reveals their most disturbing agenda.

Just getting started studying prophecy? Maybe you should start with Missler's "Prophecy 101" DVD teaching. The Bible contains 8,362 predictive verses about 737 different matters and yet prophecy is one of the most neglected subjects in the church today. Understanding prophecy is an essential and fundamental issue for every serious Christian. But where do we start? This series has been designed to give you a strategic overview of prophecy – past, present and future. This series will encourage the new believer and strengthen the faith of all who study it. Now, more than ever, it is important that we have answers for people who are seeking the truth. We need to equip ourselves to be ready to give an answer to every man for the hope that lies within us.

Have you ever wondered "How We Got Our Bible"? Get the answers in this DVD exposition.

Want a complete overview of the Bible in 24 hours of teaching? That's what you get in Missler's "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours." Or watch the video version in literally 24 hours.

Learn how to study the Bible on your own with "How to Study the Bible." (DVD)

Then there are Missler's book-by-book video studies: "Ephesians," "I, II & III John," "Colossians," "The Books of Peter," "The Book of Genesis," "The Book of Romans," "The Books of Chronicles," "The Books of Ruth and Esther," "The Book of Hosea," "The Book of Revelation," "The Book of Ezekiel," "The Book of Matthew," "The Book of Daniel," "The Books of Timothy, Titus and Philemon," "The Book of Hebrews," "The Book of Proverbs," "The Book of Psalms," "The Book of Galatians," "The Book of Luke" and "The Book of Song of Songs."Even the most learned Bible scholar will pick up new insights from the teachings of Chuck Missler – unlike any other biblical expositor.

Check out the entire collection
in the WND Superstore Chuck Missler department.
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