| | |  | Vegas casino seeking to oust club it calls too raunchy Palazzo, owned by the Sands, wants to give boot to The Act; case shows even "Sin City" has its limits, experts say |
|  | Calif. launches drone to combat Yosemite wildfire Aircraft alerts fire bosses to new flare-ups; 300-square-mile Rim Fire 30 percent contained, hurts Labor Day weekend tourism |
|  | Civil rights leaders: Still work to do on MLK's dream Marian Wright-Edelman, Andrew Young and Julian Bond remember March on Washington and discuss what is left to be done |
|  | U.N. Security Council fails to act on Syria resolution British-proposed resolution authorizing the use of military force against Assad regime falls short as inspectors continue probe |
|  | Obama's war of words John Dickerson: the president was supposed to be the wise and careful communicator; on Syria, his words have done nothing but corner himself |
|  | Assad: "Syria will defend itself against any aggression" State media quotes defiant Syrian leader as international drumbeat toward a military strike continues |
|  | U.S., Russia said to up Naval presence in Gulf region 2nd U.S. carrier arrives: AP; Russia reportedly sending cruiser, anti-sub ship; U.S., Brits have destroyers, subs in place |
|  | March on Washington ceremony speakers denounce voting rights ruling 50 years after the March, former presidents and civil rights leaders say struggle for justice continues |
| |  | | | CBSNews.com, 524 W. 57th St., Room 514/1, New York, NY, 10019 Copyright 2013, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. | | |
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