Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Reuters Money: Fed finally making policy for humans, not Vulcans: James Saft

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Fed finally making policy for humans, not Vulcans: James Saft
(James Saft is a Reuters columnist. The opinions expressed are his own)
Fund manager Ashmore says clients stick with emerging markets
LONDON (Reuters) - Fund manager Ashmore Group Plc said institutional clients had largely stuck with its core emerging markets range as their solid long-term outlook offset recent jitters in the sector.
Why dividend-growing stocks are beating bonds
CHICAGO (Reuters) - With all the angst in the market lately about rising rates bruising bond prices, where can you find reasonable income with less sensitivity to interest-rate movements?
Oppenheimer Rochester funds stand by Puerto Rico as investors flee
BOSTON (Reuters) - Managers of Oppenheimer Rochester municipal bond funds are standing by their heavy weighting in Puerto Rico debt, even if investors are not.
Dropping enrollment squeezes U.S. universities' revenues: Moody's
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Add one more strain to the finances of U.S. universities: a decline in enrollment.
Wells Fargo expects to make fewer U.S. home loans this quarter
(Reuters) - Wells Fargo & Co, the largest U.S. mortgage lender, expects to make 30 percent fewer home loans this quarter due to rising interest rates, its financial chief said on Monday.
Big reinsurers shrug off competition from pension funds
FRANKFURT/ZURICH (Reuters) - The world's top reinsurers have shrugged off a growing incursion by pension funds into their business, saying the competition was narrowly focused and possibly of limited duration.
Investors yank $11 billion from Pimco U.S. mutual funds in August: Morningstar
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pimco, manager of the world's largest bond fund, had outflows of $11 billion from its U.S. mutual funds in August, marking the second-biggest monthly withdrawals on record as a selloff in the bond market continued, Morningstar data showed on Friday.
Stock funds worldwide have $11.4 billion outflow in week: Bank of America
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investors pulled $11.4 billion out of stock funds worldwide in the latest week, marking the third straight week of outflows despite a rise in U.S. stocks, data from a Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research report showed on Friday.
Financial gurus reminisce about first jobs
NEW YORK (Reuters) - When some veterans of American finance told Reuters about their first jobs, they never expected it to become an Internet meme.
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