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Pope electors told of 'Smoke of Satan' in Vatican Message to conclave echoes earlier warnings of evil 'superforce' descending on Church | It's a matter so dark and serious it has only been whispered about behind closed doors in Vatican circles by courageous priests such as the late John F. O'Connor, Alfred Kunz and the late Malachi Martin. But now, thanks to the release by the Holy See of an official bulletin titled "Acta Apostolicae Sedis," it has been confirmed that the papal conclave that elected Pope Francis March 13 heard a message, immediately before the voting, from a senior cardinal dealing directly with the threat of "The Smoke of Satan" descending on the Vatican itself. The meditation about "that which Christ wants from his Church" was delivered by Maltese Prosper Grech, an 87-year-old Augustinian who could not participate in the vote. After his meditation, reports the Catholic online newsletter Chiesa, he left the Sistine Chapel. He prefaced his remarks by saying: "I have no intention of making the identikit of the new pope, and much less of presenting a plan of action for the future pontiff. This very delicate task belongs to the Holy Spirit, who in recent decades has gifted us with a series of excellent holy pontiffs. My intention is that of drawing from Scripture some reflections to help us understand what Christ wants from his Church." Taking on what he characterized as an anti-Church media, Grech suggested when accusations are false, they should not be addressed, "even if they cause immense pain." Is the current Pope the LAST Pope? A new film by WND explores this possibility. Watch the trailer here: However, he added: "It is another thing when what is said about us is the truth, as has happened in many of the accusations of pedophilia. Then we must humble ourselves before God and men, and seek to uproot the evil at all costs, as did, to his great regret, Benedict XVI. And only in this way can we regain credibility before the world and give an example of sincerity. Today many people do not arrive at believing in Christ because his face is obscured or hidden behind an institution that lacks transparency. But if recently we have wept over many unpleasant events that have befallen clergy and laity, even in the pontifical household, we must consider that these evils, as great as they may be, if compared with certain evils in the history of the Church are nothing but a cold. And just as these have been overcome with God's help, so also the present crisis will be overcome. Even a cold needs to be taken care of well to keep it from turning into pneumonia." In a section of the meditation titled "Smoke of Satan in the Church," Grech said: "The evil spirit of the world, the 'mysterium iniquitatis' (2 Thes 2:7), constantly strives to infiltrate the Church. Moreover, let us not forget the warning of the prophets of ancient Israel not to seek alliances with Babylon or with Egypt, but to follow a pure policy 'ex fide' trusting solely in God (cf. Is 30:1; 31:1-3; Hos 12:2) and in his covenant. Courage! Christ relieves our minds when he exclaims: 'Have trust, I have overcome the world' (Jn 16:33)." Will Francis be "The Last Pope?" That's the focus of a trail-blazing new documentary from WND Films, shot on location in Ireland, Rome and the U.S., the movie examines the prophecies of the popes by of St. Malachy, with interviews of experts on both sides of the question. What is the meaning of this message? Tom Horn, the bestselling author of "Petrus Romanus" and a featured interviewee in the new movie "The Last Pope?," said Father O'Connor gave a homily titled "The Reign of the Antichrist," in which he described how changes within society and in the institution were already at work before his death to provide for the coming of Antichrist. "In this sermon and elsewhere, O'Connor outlined the catalyst for this scheme unfolding as a result of 'Masonic Conspirators' within the organization whose plan, called 'Alta Vendetta,' would essentially take control of the papacy and help the False Prophet deceive the world's faithful (including Catholics) into worshipping Antichrist," said Horn. But the "Smoke of Satan" reference hearkens even more directly to what a close personal friend of Pope Paul VI observed in interviews and in two books he wrote about a Satanic "superforce" at work inside the Vatican. "Suddenly it became unarguable that now… the Roman Catholic organization carried a permanent presence of clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it," wrote Martin. "The facts that brought the Pope to a new level of suffering were mainly two: The systematic organizational links – the network, in other words, that had been established between certain clerical homosexual groups and Satanist covens. And the inordinate power and influence of that network." In his book, "The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle of World Dominion," Martin wrote: "Most frighteningly for John Paul, he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops' chanceries. It was what knowledgeable churchmen called the 'superforce.' Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI's reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to 'the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary' … an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican." Martin revealed even greater detail of a Luciferic "enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican" in his book, "Windswept House": "The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principal agents of this ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul [Pope Paul VI]." Read more about "The Last Pope?" HERE. In his meditation prior to the selection of Pope Francis at the conclave earlier this year, Grech went on to speak of forces inside the Church that are dividing it. "No less easy for the future pontiff will be the task of keeping unity in the Catholic Church itself," he said. "Between ultra-traditionalist extremists and ultra-progressive extremists, between priests who rebel against obedience and those who do not recognize the signs of the times, there will always be the danger of minor schisms that not only damage the Church but also go against the will of God: unity at all costs. But unity does not mean uniformity. It is evident that this does not close the doors to the intra-ecclesial discussion present in the whole history of the Church. All are free to express their thoughts on the task of the Church, but they should be proposals in line with that 'depositum fidei' which the pontiff together with all of the bishops has the task of guarding." He added: "In the West, at least in Europe, Christianity itself is in crisis. There reigns an ignorance and disregard not only of Catholic doctrine, but even of the ABCs of Christianity. The urgency is thus felt of a new evangelization that begins from pure kerygma and plain proclamation to nonbelievers, followed by a continual catechesis nourished by prayer. But the Lord is never defeated by human negligence, and it seems that, while they are closing the doors to him in Europe, he is opening them elsewhere, especially in Asia. And even in the West God will not fail to keep for himself a remnant of Israel that does not bend the knee before Baal, a remnant that we find mainly in the many lay movements endowed with different charisms that are making a strong contribution to the new evangelization. … Care must be taken, however, that particular movements should not believe that the Church is exhausted in them. In short, God cannot be defeated by our indifference. The Church is his, the gates of hell can wound its heel but can never suffocate it." In March 2010, Father Gabriele Amorth, the chief Vatican exorcist, told Italian newspaper La Repubblica: "The devil resides in the Vatican and you can see the consequences. He can remain hidden, or speak in different languages, or even appear to be sympathetic. At times he makes fun of me. But I'm a man who is happy in his work." He added the evil influence of Satan was evident in the highest ranks of the Catholic hierarchy, with "cardinals who do not believe in Jesus and bishops who are linked to the demon." Get "The Last Pope?" – the hottest new documentary from WND Films – and make up your own mind about the relevance of "The Prophecy of the Popes" by St. Malachy Watch a preview of "The Last Pope?" below. View all the new WND Films here:
The highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West, Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa is at it again. A quarter century ago, in his international bestseller "Red Horizons," Pacepa exposed the massive crimes and corruption of his former boss, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu, giving the dictator a nervous breakdown and inspiring him to send assassination squads to the U.S. to find his former spy chief and kill him. They failed. On Christmas Day 1989, Ceausescu was executed by his own people at the end of a trial whose accusations came almost word-for-word out of "Red Horizons." After courageously defecting to the United States, which he now proudly calls home, Pacepa became a major asset to the Central Intelligence Agency's efforts to deal with the "evil empire" of the Soviet Union. The CIA has praised Pacepa's cooperation for providing "an important and unique contribution to the United States," and President Ronald Reagan (seen below holding Pacepa's "Red Horizons") reportedly referred to it as "my bible for dealing with dictators." Today, still living undercover in the United States, the man credited by the CIA as the only person in the Western world who single-handedly demolished an entire enemy espionage service – the one he himself managed – is now taking aim at an even bigger target: the exotic, widely misunderstood but still astonishingly influential realm of the Russian-born "science" of disinformation. Published by WND Books, the book is titled "Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism." Within its pages, Pacepa, along with his co-author, historian and law professor Ronald Rychlak, expose some of the most consequential yet largely unknown disinformation campaigns of our lifetime. In "Disinformation," Pacepa and Rychlak reveal that the Soviet Union's immense intelligence apparatus, unlike other nations' spy establishments, was not primarily focused on spying and gathering intel on other nations. Instead, reveal the authors, the communist bloc intelligence services, including the Russian KGB and the Romanian DIE headed by Pacepa, were much more preoccupied with rewriting history, with manufacturing lies, deception and false documents, with turning one religion against another, with defaming the noblest people and glorifying the worst, and – perhaps most importantly – with planting an endless barrage of false, perverse, anti-American disinformation into the liberal Western news media. Click here to read more about "Disinformation." Here's how former CIA director R. James Woolsey, who wrote the introduction for "Disinformation," summarizes it: "This remarkable book will change the way you look at intelligence, foreign affairs, the press, and much else besides." And best-selling author and Cold War historian, Professor Paul Kengor, says simply: "Here is a work that many of us have been waiting for; a book that – dare I say – history has been waiting for." Crucial puzzle piece While reading this mesmerizing true narrative – from Pacepa's recruitment at a young age into communist Romania's secret police (the Securitate) to his rise to the top of the Soviet bloc intelligence world, complete with insider stories and never-before-revealed facts – the reader will discover answers to many vexing questions of the modern era, such as: Why, during the last two generations, has so much of the Western world turned against its founding faith, Christianity? Why have radical Islam, jihad and terrorism burst aflame after a long period of apparent quiescence? Why is naked Marxism increasingly manifesting in America and its NATO allies? What really happened to Russia after the Berlin Wall came down? Like the solution to a giant jigsaw puzzle lacking one crucial piece, "Disinformation" authoritatively provides the missing dimension that makes the chaos of the modern world finally understandable. By its very nature, a disinformation campaign can work only if the seemingly independent Western press accepts intentionally fabricated lies and presents them to the public as truth. Thus, Pacepa and Rychlak also document how the U.S. "mainstream media's" enduring sympathy for all things liberal-left has made it vulnerable to – indeed, the prime carrier of – civilization-transforming campaigns of lying, defamation and historical revisionism that turn reality on its head. Today, with assassination threats still hanging over his head because of his defection and continuing fight against socialist dictatorship, Pacepa lives in the U.S. under a protective identity. Still vigorous in his 80s, he remains an astute and uniquely insightful writer on current affairs. His co-author, Ronald J. Rychlak, is the Mississippi Defense Lawyers Association professor at the University of Mississippi School of Law where he teaches constitutional law, criminal procedure, and terrorism and the law. Appointed by the Mississippi Supreme Court to a committee to revise that state's criminal code, he also served on the Mississippi advisory committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. In "Disinformation," you'll discover: • How destroying the reputation of good leaders has been developed into a high art and science.
• How Pope Pius XII – a generation ago the world's most high-profile Christian leader, who personally saved countless Jews from Hitler's Holocaust – was transformed, through the magic of disinformation, into a Nazi sympathizer.
• How Christianity and Judaism have been targeted for constant denigration and defamation through an ongoing campaign of disinformation.
• How the Soviet bloc planted 4,000 agents of influence in the Islamic world, armed with hundreds of thousands of copies of the most infamous anti-Semitic book in history, to fan the flames of ancient Arab resentments against the U.S. and Israel and sow the seeds of anti-Semitism that would later bloom in the form of violence and terror toward Jews and Christians.
• How the defamatory attacks on American soldiers John Kerry made before Congress upon his return from Vietnam – charges later discredited and repudiated – were identical to a contemporaneous KGB disinformation campaign concocted to turn Americans against their own leaders.
• How supposedly respectable institutions like the World Council of Churches have long been infiltrated and controlled by Russian intelligence.
• How much of the world came to believe that the U.S. government itself masterminded the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
• How the Soviet Union has been transformed into the first intelligence dictatorship in history.
• How disinformation is still very much alive in the age of Obama, remaining a powerful engine in the ongoing socialist transformation of America. All this and much more is meticulously documented in "Disinformation," with the credibility of an eyewitness who was not only there, but actively involved as a Soviet bloc spy chief – who, thanks to a crisis of conscience, "left the dark side" and came to America to help shine a light on the greatest source of political evil of the modern age. Powerful new film documentary also being released
In addition to the blockbuster book "Disinformation" from WND Books, WND Films is simultaneously releasing a brand-new, feature-length (120-minute) companion film titled "Disinformation: The Secret Strategy for Destroying the West," written and directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker Stan Moore. Besides dramatically profiling the life and revelations of Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the two-disc DVD documentary features new interviews with many experts, including co-author Ronald Rychlak, former CIA chief James Woolsey, author David Horowitz, Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf, historian Michael Ledeen, journalist Arnaud de Borchgrave, defense analyst Frank Gaffney, Nina Khrushcheva, great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev, deputy undersecretary of defense Jed Babbin, assistant secretary of defense Richard Perle, Vladimir Tismaneanu, director, Center for the University of Maryland's Study of Post-Communist Societies, Michael Maloof, former security policy analyst for the U.S. Defense Department, Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, terrorism expert and director of American Center for Democracy, David Kupelian, author and managing editor of WND, Gary Krupp, founder and president of Pave the Way Foundation, Yuri Yarim-Agaev, physicist and Soviet dissident, Wayne Barnes, former FBI agent, Roger L. Simon, novelist and screenwriter, Darnelle Mason, missionary to Romania, Palm Beach Rabbi Leonid Feldman and Romanian-born NASA aerospace scientist Constantin Rauta. The film documentary dramatically depicts how disinformation – the evil "science" of deception that so disastrously shaped our world during the last generation – is still very much alive in the current generation under Barack Obama. The book and film can be purchased separately, or bundled together at a very special reduced price. | | | | | | Call Toll-Free to Order: If you prefer to order by phone, you can call our friendly, Midwestern customer service reps toll-free at 1-800-4WND-COM (1-800-496-3266), Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Central. | | | | |
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