Wednesday, 14 August 2013

An Evening with Wayne Dyer and Abraham in Anaheim – Register Early and SAVE

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This event will sell out! Register by September 13 and SAVE $50!

An Evening with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Abraham
An Evening with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Abraham

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Esther Hicks
An Evening with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Abraham
November 13, 2013 | Anaheim Convention Center
Register Now

(Early Registration ends September 13, 2013)

What happens when you bring together one of the most inspirational spiritual teachers of all time and the great Masters of the Universe?

A magical evening you will never forget!

For the first time before a live audience, Dr. Wayne Dyer will sit down with Esther Hicks and the wise consciousness of sages we call Abraham. During this awe-inspiring event, Wayne will ask Abraham all of the questions he has accumulated from over 40 years of teaching others about self-reliance and self-discovery.

While Wayne and Esther have been friends for quite some time, this will be the first time Wayne engages in an extended conversation about life’s many lessons and perplexing questions with Abraham. Many only dream of witnessing such a meeting of the minds of Dr. Wayne Dyer and Abraham as they interact onstage.

Take this rare opportunity to experience it LIVE!

Featured Product by Wayne
The Importance of Being Extraordinary DVD


List price: $19.95
Discount Price:

(expires 8/31) button
The Importance of Being Extraordinary DVD
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Eckhart Tolle

Taped on location in Hawaii, this audio program provides a rare opportunity to listen in on a profoundly moving dialogue between two of the three "most spiritually influential people alive"* Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Eckhart Tolle delve into everything from ancient spiritual texts to contemporary pop culture as they tackle questions we all wrestle with, such as Who am I? What is real? and What is the meaning of life? Yet even as they discuss weighty topics such as the economy and addiction, the mood remains graceful, loving, and even humorous.

Through their combined wisdom and perception, Wayne and Eckhart bring you inspired lessons for an exhilarating spiritual awakening. This, according to Eckhart, "consists of relinquishing identification with the conditioned mind through the cultivation of awareness." Although these lessons are full of rich, philosophical insight, they are also very practical and can easily be applied to the individual listener and the world at large.
Featured Product by Esther Hicks
Push the LAUCH Button DVD


List price: $29.95
Discount Price:

(expires 8/31)
Push the LAUNCH Button DVD
by Esther Hicks

This is it! The Grid. The Vortex. The crowd. The energy. The wisdom. The fun! 7.5 hours of leading edge, cutting-edge infinite intelligence.

Topics Include: Go General or Go Specific? • Relationships • Do Inanimate Objects Have Consciousness? • Seeing Abraham’s Aura • Author Wonders Where Her Words Come From • To Those Who Have Found Relief in Alcohol or Drugs • Acceleration of the Grid • Having a Positive Impact • Creating Your Ideal Body • Effects of Childhood Trauma…and many more.

PLUS: a wild closing ride where Abraham moves through a stream of hot-seaters in seconds!
Featuring the wisdom, humor, and insights of Abraham-who are, according to Louise Hay, "the best teachers on the planet."

Wayne's Tour
I Can Do It! 2013
I Can Do It! 2013
Washington D.C.

Sept 28-29

I Can Do It! 2013
I Can Do It! 2013
New York

Oct 26-27

I Can Do It! 2013
I Can Do It! 2013

Nov 8-10

Event Image
Divine Love 2014

Jan 25-26

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The views expressed in this email are strictly those of the author and not necessarily those of Hay House, Inc.


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